Thursday, August 26, 2010

Too much of a (good?) thing, Be wary of what you ask for, A bird in the hand is just going to shit on you and other BS

So I now have both a 100Mb/s connection to the house (thanks Kev) and a Wifi enabled phone which has granted me the ability to hold all of the world's information in the palm of my hand.

The issue I have is that after checking my email a few times, looking at the latest election results and spamming facebook and twitter for 3 hours straight I have nothing else to do.

Eventually I found my way to a little know upstart website called YouTube. After watching both the video of a cat jumping out of a cardboard box and the video of the cat trying to climb through a box when it is far too fat the quality of content went down hill and down hill fast.

So after a week of the world at my finger tips I have realised that "the world" is best kept at arm's length.

FFS I am a spoilt little shit, why don't I just shut the hell up and watch some porn.

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