Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My run in with China.

It seems that China are getting a hard run from everyone lately. Mainly from people that are tokin supporters of Tibet and think China shouldn't have the Olympics and then choose to express there opinion by attacking athletes from their own countries who are at the time carrying the Olympic torch.

My issue with China, and more specifically the Chinese Government, is more personal than that. My issue is with the security of my PC at work.

See, this all started a month or so when I bought a cheap MP3 player off the Internet and it came to me in a timely fashion complete with an OEM Trojan.

It is there, I know it is there, and I don't care.

I don't use my work PC to access my Internet banking so there is no worry about anyone transferring money from my account at the Bank of Mexica.

What does give me the shits, is the way that the keylogger lags so badly and that my screen flickers every time a screen dump is taken (since I started this post it has been 4 times).

I mean FFS if you are going to all the trouble of installing an OEM Trojan on a device for export, at least go to some effort and make it a decent one.

Honestly, there are some things that China's Government can learn from the west.

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